“Chartreuse – Hip Shaking Mama” Costume

[admin: “Chartreuse – Hip Shaking Mama” Costume by Pinky Deville was first published on our Yarn community] The creation process of my chartreuse velvet costume, with the use of vintage fabric and upcycled vintage clothing. In early 2018 I had the creative itch for a new costume. With several UK shows coming up, a weekend … Read more

What is an Institute for NightCulture?

I’m very pleased to let you know that Fabulous Femininities team member Prof. Alice O’Grady has contributed to What Is An Institute For NightCulture? This book examines what a cultural institution devoted to night-culture might look like and is part of the efforts towards building such an institute in Amsterdam – the Institute for NightCulture (INC). … Read more

Visual notes from our workshops

Over the summer, the Fabulous Femininities team held three workshops with burlesque performers and producers across the local area. These workshops were themed around a number of different themes such as “Mental health champions & amateur chair burlesque” and “complex intersectionalities and audiences”. As part of the workshops, we were joined by Abigail and Chloe … Read more


[Admin: Lobster by elspethrose was first published on our Yarn community]. The lobster headpiece by Ciara Monahan At the first Fabulous Femininities workshop Alice asked us to show and tell a ‘fabulous’ item of clothing. I chose my lobster headpiece, made by Ciara Monahan. [Isabella Blow] The lobster headpiece is inspired by many that came … Read more

International Day of Older People

Burlesque is an art form which actively celebrates older performers and recognises how age can be a marker of experience, provenance and artistry. It seems deeply appropriate, then, that on October 1st, Fabulous Femininities team member Prof. Alice O’Grady will be speaking at the International Day of Older People event in Leeds. She will be … Read more

Miss Vanjie Fan

[Admin: Miss Vanjie Fan by elspethrose was first published on our Yarn community] [Aquaria at the final of Ru Paul’s Drag Race] Faced with a very hot Brighton Pride one year, I was decided I needed a fan to match my outfit. I was inspired by Aquaria’s ‘Miss Vanjie’ fan revealed during her final episode … Read more

Lionfish Vogue Ball

[admin: Lionfish Vogue Ball by goodoldfashionedloverboy was first published on our Yarn community] This was a costume which was custom created for me by designer Alex Herring, my longtime collaborator. It was a commission from Haus of Suarez, for their vogue ball themed Atlantis. The costume was the first in a trilogy of sea sirens, … Read more